Jordan Gladstone

Growth and Marketing Leader

Hi, I am Jordan. I lead Growth Marketing and User Acquisition at Curology (D2C).Previously, I led all Marketing at Dave from 80K to 10M users in 3 years.I also advise early stage startups with First Round Capital and consult growing startups.


- Results-driven leader with a proven track record of growing customers and revenue in DTC and Fintech- Led Dave’s (fintech) growth from 80,000 to over 10 million users- Expertise in managing large annual budgets of $XX MM+ and leading cross-functional teams across User Acquisition, Creative, Brand, Product Marketing , and Marketing Analytics- Proven ability to develop and execute GTM strategies that achieve industry-leading results and build growth loops

I enjoy solving growth problems and have helped numerous startups accelerate growth. email me if you are interested in working together

or email me at jordanpathak [at] gmail dot com